So, we got back from our New England vacation last week on the 23rd. We had a great time, everything went smoothly and we got to see lots of family. Our first few days were spent in Lowell, Cambridge and Boston with our personal tour guides Jen + Tommy. We got around using the subway, did lots of shopping, visited two museums, saw Harvard, went to a St. Patty's day parade and we were cordially introduced to bubble tea and candle pin bowling... All in like three days.
We visited Long Island NY for a day and a half where we went on an eating tour with Bob and his family. We saw the beach and bought some sabrett hot dogs which we smuggled half way across the country back to Colorado Springs.
Later in the week we made our way to Portsmouth NH with Yaya, Jen and Tommy where we did some more shopping. We drove up to Kittery, MN and visited the amazing trading post, then we made our way across the street for some free lobster...
The trip was a success, Andre had his fill of lobster and I had my fill of maple syrup candy (almost). We really miss Jen and Tommy so we hope to venture out east again soon...