Friday, April 30, 2010

New Posts!

It has been almost a year since my last post. Since I am taking the summer off from school I have decided to go ahead and commit to keeping up on posting some of our adventures. We have a severe case of cabin fever at this point in the year since it is almost May and we are still being snowed on.

We are both keeping busy with school and work, and we were recently introduced to an awesome Showtime series called “Dexter”. With the bad weather Andre spends a lot of his time playing videogames and watching sports. I have been getting back in touch with my musical self by practicing the piano and learning the guitar.

We are looking forward to the summer and we plan on adding a new addition to the family (a dog) whenever we find the right one :). We have a large “to-do” list this year and I am looking forward to documenting everything.