Sunday, May 23, 2010


I recently decided to purchase a juicer, and after a lot of research I finally found the one I wanted to purchase. I bought an Omega J8005 it is a masticating juicer which will run you around $230 online. So far I am very pleased with it and am happy that I did not go with the cheaper centrifugal type of juicer such as a Jack Lalane or Juiceman juicer.

The masticating juicers literally squeeze and grind the fruit at low speeds, usually around 80-120 rpms. This does not disrupt the cellular structure of the fruit or vegetable and pretty much eliminates oxidation preserving the natural nutrients and enzymes of the fruit.

Centrifugal juicers use a shredder, and run at high (3600 rpms) speeds, they cause oxidation that destroys important enzymes which leaves you with very few of the natural nutrients. It destroys the natural structure of the cell and gives you a low quality juice.

The juice from a masticating juicer produces higher quality juice with a more solid color, whereas the centrifugal machines juice is clearer with no enzymes or nutrients and has almost a metallic taste. Masticating juicers produce almost 20% more juice from produce than a centrifugal juicer, and there is also much less foam.

Centrifugal juicers are cheaper but you can get a great masticating Omega or Champion juicer for $50-$80 more than a high end centrifugal juicer and it certainly seems to be worth it. Masticating juicers are often capable of more than just juicing, mine can juice just about anything including soft vegetables like wheat grass, parsley or spinach and it can also make nut butters and pasta. So in a lot of ways you get more for your money ;).

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