Every summer we spend a good amount of time frisbee golfing. The course we go to the most is called Cottonwood Creek and it is lots of fun. For some, especially for girls starting out can be frustrating but once you get the hang of it, it becomes enjoyable.
So what is frisbee golf? Frisbee golf is exactly what it sounds like, it is golfing with frisbees. The frisbee that you use is a little bit different than your average frisbee it’s a bit smaller, thinner, and harder. Because of these features you can drive the disc long distances easily up to 400 feet. Instead of a hole in the ground you need to get the frisbee into a metal basket.
We play with a par 4 meaning that if you get the frisbee in the basket on your fourth throw you get zero points or par. If you get the frisbee in the basket on your third throw you get -1 or birdie. Get it in on your second throw and you you receive -2 also known as eagle. On the other hand if you don’t get it in until your fifth throw you bogied it and receive +1. Obviously you want to stay in the negatives with this game. The less points you end with the better.
There are many frisbee golf courses in Colorado the main two that we know of are Cottonwood Creek and Fountain Creek which is south of the Springs. If you haven’t been before and you live near a course it might be worth trying. Check out our recent frisbee golfing trip here
Video quality not good watch it here instead... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7q39c83KzhI