Friday, June 4, 2010

Eleven Mile Reservoir and Canyon

Today we went fishing. It was an adventure to say the least. We left early in the morning and headed up to Eleven Mile Reservoir. When we got there we were disturbed to see the large amount of bugs flying around. It was unrealistic, none of us had ever seen anything like it… it was almost like a horror movie. We decided to park and make a run for the lake; Andre and I couldn’t make it, after about 20 bugs in the mouth we ran back to the car and sat in our enclosure while watching the swarms through the windows.

The rest of his family somehow made it out to the lake, they called us via cell phone to tell us there weren’t as many bugs near the water. Reluctantly we made it to the shore and even though there were still a ridiculous amount of bugs we did a little bit of fishing. There were HUGE fish here they were at least two feet long, but they weren’t interested in our bait. (Probably because of the smorgasbord of bugs that was available)

Shortly after we began fishing I cast my line out and the wind blew the hook into Justins (Moniques boyfriend) arm. It was slightly severe, the hook went all the way in and we could not pull it back out which resulted in us creating another hole in his arm and pushing it through. I felt really terrible as I had never hooked someone before, but Justin took it like a man and didn’t make it a big deal.

At this point the wind had died down a bit which meant the swarms were all over, and there was no escaping. We literally had to drag Pierre away from the giant fish that he so desperately wanted to catch and we drove down a canyon to a picnic table. After a bug free lunch, we decided to try Eleven Mile Canyon where there was a nice river. At first we were disappointed because we didn’t see any fish… then we hit the jackpot.

Pierre, Andre and I came across a still pool filled with about twenty or so trout, ranging from a foot to two feet. We were extremely excited… until hours had passed and we had literally tried every single type of bait in our tackle box. None of us ended up catching anything, but I have been learning more about fishing online, hopefully we will have better luck next time!

Also there is a clip in my video where you can kind of see all the bugs we had to deal with.

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