Thursday 6/10/10 Andre, Pierre, Monique and myself headed up to Denver to use the free Water World tickets Andre won from Atmel. We somehow timed everything perfectly, brought our cooler full of lunch and drinks and paid for a locker so everything went smoothly. The nice thing about Water World is that the parking is always free and you are welcome to bring in outside food so you don’t have to overpay for lunch like at Elitches.
We got into the park right as it opened claimed a table with our cooler, put our stuff in a locker and headed out for the rides! We made incredible time and had finished most of the rides/slides in the park before lunch. After some sandwiches, drinks, and oatmeal cream pies we headed back out to finish up what was left in the park.
The weather was great for a water park, although it could have been a little less cloudy at times. We all had a lot of fun, and I walked away with only minimal injuries :). Afterwards we had a delicious dinner with everyone back in the Springs at Rock Bottom Brewery.
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